Friday, February 14, 2014

I LOVE Etsy!

Mark doesn't read my blog so I can tell you that I shop on Etsy often. Sometimes I get really awesome things from really awesome people and I want to share them with you!

I had been wanting to get a custom family necklace for quite sometime, you know the little silver or gold disc's with initials. I have just never found any that I LOVE.

I saw Todd Borka's custom pendant listing on the Etsy front page, and followed it to his shop. I LOVE customized things. I really like having things that no one else does, it makes me happy, like REALLY happy.

He made me a custom listing for two pendants on one chain (I just noticed that he has some listings set up this way now) I chose the type of chain I wanted,  sent him the photos of my choice and about two weeks later I received my necklace all the way from France!

I have worn this necklace just about every day since I got it. People think it's really cool, and Ola thinks it's the coolest. She frequently grabs it, and says "Mum! Poppa!" I am hoping at one point she will finally say "Ola!" when she sees herself. ( one can dream!)

Todd makes all kinds of cool stuff, just google his name to see! or follow these link to his spaces.

You can visit Todd's Etsy shop here
You can visit Todd's Blog here
You can visit his Website here


Unknown said...

Love love love.

Vintage Home said...

so fun to see you blogging!
These necklaces are fabulous!
What a great idea!

Thanks for sharing!