Saturday, June 20, 2009

I can't believe it is almost the first day of summer

I have been working like mad with school, just took blood for the first time last week. Very Scary! I thought I would be really confident, but when push came to shove, I was terrified! eeekk! But I got through it, and have done 6 venipunctures since. I have to have 35 to go on my practicum, but somehow working at the reference lab away from actual blood collecting is seeing better and better. I think it is the idea of hurting someone that has me so nervous. I feel bad.

I have just sent off another custom. I am so embarrassed at the amount of time it took to get it done, but it got done. I don't think I will be doing anymore customs until school is done. I just have to focus on one thing.

Things around here are good. I have had a few BBQ's this year, which is a new thing for me. I rarely have people over. I am trying to change this.

well...I need to go get some stuff done, my Saturday ran away from me...and tomorrow is Fathers day. Fingers crossed it doesn't rain :)

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